USP community legal center offers free legal information

The newly-established USP Community Legal Center is open to the public and offers free legal information. Picture: CHRIS HA’ARABE/WANSOLWARA ONLINE
Members of the public can now access free legal information from The University of the South Pacific’s Community Legal Center at its Laucala campus in Suva after its official opening last week.
The centre was established to provide law students with the opportunity to ply their trade and gain practical experience before venturing into the workforce.
USP Community Legal Center manager Samanunu Vaniqi said the centre offered free legal information to members of the public who needed help.
“There are 2-3 law students on duty from Monday to Friday between 9am and 12midday at the centre ready to provide legal information on relevant laws and assistance to clients who cannot afford private lawyers,” Miss Vaniqi said.
“This is also an opportunity for third and fourth-year law students to apply their legal skills and experience the work that lawyers do. They give legal information as part of the law unit, Law Clinic, under my supervision.”
She said there were 22 students scheduled to work on different days throughout the week at the centre.
Miss Vaniqi said the hands-on experience included interviewing clients, corresponding with other law firms, drafting court documents, conducting research and providing information on relevant laws applicable to a particular issue.
Solomon Islands law student Jillian Soaika, who is part of the team at the centre, said one of the challenges so far was overcoming fear and panic.
“Even though we are only providing legal information, it’s scary to think of what would happen if we provide the wrong legal information – it’s a fine line to tread especially when you’re dealing with the law,” she said.
“The classroom environment in law school and the practical experience are very different. We learn about the law and how to apply it but coming out into the field and actually putting that into practise can be challenging and exciting at the same time.”
However, Ms Soaika said they were grateful to have a platform that broadened their knowledge and understanding of the law and its application in real life situations.
The centre is located on USP premises opposite Fatty’s Shop – Convenience Store along Laucala Bay Road.
* Chris Ha’arabe (Solomon Islands) is a final-year journalism student at The University of the South Pacific in Suva.