‘Exercise your voting rights’, public urged as Fiji heads to polls on November 14

Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Suresh Chandra, delivers a statement on the Issuance of the Writ for the 2018 General Election at the Fijian Elections Office in Toorak, Suva. Picture: WANSOLWARA
It’s confirmed. Fiji will go to the polls on November 14 and members of the public have been encouraged to exercise their voting rights.
During a press conference at the Fijian Elections Office in Suva this afternoon, Electoral Commission chairman Suresh Chandra said the Writ of Election had been issued and now was the time for Fijians to vote for the next Parliament.

Electoral Commission chairman Suresh Chandra at the Fijian Elections Office today. Picture: MEREONI MILI/WANSOLWARA
“We are very optimistic that this year’s election would set new benchmarks, and this can only be possible if voters exercise their democratic rights and come out to vote,” he said.
He said the Fijian Elections Office had conducted a comprehensive voter education and awareness exercise to ensure voters know what to expect at their polling venue and how to mark the ballot paper.
“We have great belief that 2018 General Election would be a platform for Fijians to express their will with confidence, security and freedom,” Mr Chandra said.
He said there were 634,120 registered voters as of September 17, of which 314,686 were females and 319,434 were males.
According to Mr Chandra, the eight political parties contesting the 2018 General Election were FijiFirst, SODELPA (Social Democratic Liberal Party), HOPE Party (Humanity Opportunity Prosperity and Equality), National Federation Party (NFP), Unity Fiji, People’s Democratic Party, Fiji Labour Party and Freedom Alliance Party.
“Political party registration has closed and the last day of voter registration is 6pm today. The nomination of candidates closes on the 15th of this month by 12 noon at the Fijian Elections Office,” Mr Chandra said.
Pre-poll and postal voting will be held prior to the election date. The writ is to be returned to the President on November 28, 2018.
* Mereoni Mili is a final-year journalism student at The University of the South Pacific.