Ruling FijiFirst Party secures 27 seats in Parliament, SODELPA 21, NFP 3

FijiFirst has been allocated 27 seats in Parliament after winning the 2018 General Election. Picture:
The Electoral Commission has announced the allocation of 51 seats in Parliament.
As anticipated, 27 seats will be taken up by the ruling FijiFirst Party, 21 seats to the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) and three seats to the National Federation Party (NFP).
Below are the candidates for Parliament:
FijiFirst Party:
1. Voreqe Bainimarama
2. Aiyaz Sayed Khaiyum
3. Alipate Nagata
4. Parveen Bala
5. Mahendra Reddy
6. Vijay Nath
7. Premila Kuma
8. Joseph Nand
9. Viam Pillay
10. Inia Seruiratu
11. Mereseini Vuniwaqa
12. Osea Naiqumu
13. Sanjay Kirpal
14. Alvick Maharaj
15. George Vegnathan
16. Semi Koroilavesau
17. Jone Usamate
18. Ashneel Sudhakar
19. Rohit Sharma
20. Selai Adimaitoga
21. Jale Sigarara
22. Ifereimi Waqainabete
23. Rosy Akbar
24. Alexander O’Connor
25. Vijendra Prakash
26. Veena Bhatnagar
27. Salik Govindra
1. Sitiveni Rabuka
2. Lynda Tabua
3. Ro Temumu Kepa
4. Niko Nawaikula
5. Atonio Naiqama
6. Mosese Bulitavo
7. Anare Jale
8. Peceli Vosanibola
9. Viliame Gavoka
10. Jese Saukuru
11. Ratu Suliano Matanitobu
12. Simione Rasova
13. Mitieli Bulanauca
14. Ro Filipe Tuisawau
15. Inosi Kuridrani
16. Aseri Radrodro
17. Mikaele Leawere
18. Adi Litia Qionibaravi
19. Salote Radrodro
20. Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu
21. Tevita Navurelevu
1. Biman Prasad
2. Pio Tikoduadua
3. Lenora Qereqeretabua